
This site includes an Open-Access database that summarizes several properties of materials used for 3D printers. In the first round the database is based on our own results, but it is open for anyone to upload any other data. The data of the initial database are mechanical properties with and without sterilisation.

Uploading data

We welcome any additions to our database. The data can be uploaded after registration and the uploaded data will be approved before publication.

We also welcome any suggestions, comments and questions using our contact form.

Mechanical tests

The website currently contains data on mechanical properties of 3D printer materials. These data are the results of mechanical tests on 3D printed specimens with 100% filling. It is highly recommended to upload data that are published by an accredited mechanical testing laboratory and based on official standards.

The table bellow shows the recommended standards for the mechanical tests.


Based on the direction of the building during 3D printing, there are three main orientations (see the figure below).

  • X means that the largest cross section of the specimen is parallel to the building platform
  • Y means that the secod largest (longitudial) cross section of the specimen is parallel to the building platform
  • Z means that the smallest cross section of the specimen is parallel to the building platform


Currently there are two types of strerilisation that were tested with the parameters bellow.

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